Thursday, May 6, 2010

Levi and Jenn !!!!

Yay!!!! Marwage!!!!! I am really stoked and really nervous! I am so blessed so I decide this blog has officially become ... My wedding update blog!!!! Yay!!!!

Date we are looking at but not sure about >>>> Ready>>>>>> 12.31.2010

Style >>>> Black Tie

Inspiration >>>> Peacock Feathers

Where>>>> Central Station in Downtown Memphis

Wedding Party>>>> Still in the works!

Colors>>> Deep Purple , Blue , Pink , Red

Details >>>> Lots of fun lighting, Heavy Hor'dorves (i know it is spelled worng!) Ring ceremony before reception

Now I want to hear anyone thoughts!!!! I want to make it fun for everyone!!!!


  1. YEA!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!! Waahoo, I'm loving your ideas so far!!

  2. Tanja told me your happy news! I am thrilled for you, and love that you already have such a bright and fun day in the works! Enjoy this fun time or preparing for an eternity of love and happiness!

  3. ooops - meant to say ....of preparing....

  4. JENN! CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS! I love ALL your ideas. So is the date New Years Eve? Or not? You have to keep me posted, how exciting. Can't wait to meet this Levi man :)
